21 CFR Part 211 – Subpart H – Holding and Distribution

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Warehousing procedures

Written procedures describing the warehousing of drug products shall be established and followed. They shall include:

(a) Quarantine of drug products before release by the quality control unit.

(b) Storage of drug products under appropriate conditions of temperature, humidity, and light so that the identity, strength, quality, and purity of the drug products are not affected.

Distribution procedures

Written procedures shall be established, and followed, describing the distribution of drug products. They shall include:

(a) A procedure whereby the oldest approved stock of a drug product is distributed first. Deviation from this requirement is permitted if such deviation is temporary and appropriate.

(b) A system by which the distribution of each lot of drug product can be readily determined to facilitate its recall if necessary.

Back to : 21 CFR Part 211 – cGMP guidelines for Finished pharmaceuticals

0 thoughts on “21 CFR Part 211 – Subpart H – Holding and Distribution”

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    Видеонаблюдение в спорте
    Рассматриваются комбинированные системы, сочетающие облачное и локальное хранилище , что делает систему универсальной и эффективной.
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